Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friends are better than bandaids-charlie blog

Charlie the dog blog

Sometimes life is so dog gone hard, and sometimes it's so simple I feel like someone will take the bone if I stay to happy with it. It's been a great week, but the changes have been extreme highs and extreme lows. Amber is working hard on selling her television show, and it looks amazing, and could actually possibly sell. It's all very exciting and I am wagging my tail with anticipation wondering what's going to happen next? Her book is done, her show sizzle is done, her projects are out there, now it's a big patient pause.

Then there is the dating issue. Amber and Brian ended their relationship, and are no longer friends. Sometimes when you stay in something longer than you should you learn that you are hurting the other person by continuing, and leaving is better than staying for their happiness, which is turning to misery. Relationships are a fun learning experience, we learn alot from them. Then the lessons are learned, and we move on. Sometimes you can be friends with them, sometimes you cant. Time will tell on everything. Amber learned alot, and so did I. A dog's instincts aren't always right.

I ran up and down the stairs today while Amber shot with Juliette. She loves Juliette and is glad she is in her life. Friends really are better than bandaids. They remind us that our crazy head is just spinning, and everything is okay.