The circus has come to town in the form of a BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT, and Patty and Amber packed their mini purses, threw on some jeans, and ran out to see what all the fuss was about. I stayed home because I was afraid of possible large elephants and flying men. They had a blast. The show was really well put together and Brit was an amazing performer, despite past screw ups. It really made Amber think about how people, and things can hold a person back from true talents. It happened to Brit for awhile, it's happened to Amber. There are so many things that can stop our true goals, and magic if we let them. People like to ride on others insecurities when they are jealous of another's journey. Patty, the beautiful girl, has become close to Amber and they are having alot of fun on adventures, and I am barking with joy over it. It was funny when Amber dropped Patty off last night Patty said "Amber, maybe it's time to grow up" and Amber just laughed, because Patty just took her to Britney Spears before saying that. Oh,,,, the circus of life.

Amber wrote a film with intention of shooting it before the end of the year. She has amazing people on board to complete this project and if it weren't for passion, this project would not come to fruition. The amazing Gary Kohn is on board with Katia Bokor and Margo Romero directing. Dave Thies is Directing the photography and Jody Sweetin is putting her post production house into action. We are moving forward with it, and our team just keeps building. I am so grateful that it's working and the momentum is building. MY only question is why Amber put a cat in the story rather than me.
Enjoy the circus, enjoy your life.
Charlie the dog blog