Charlie the dog blog-Friends

There are times in life when real friends really step it up. There are times in life when you find out that those who love you, actually really do love you. What also comes is finding out that those who don't love you, and don't respect you really show their fangs during difficult times. It's hard to believe that anyone would want to tear another down during the hot spots of life, but that's when you are at your weakest, and they know that. As a full grown dog, I have a great life, but again, was taken from my mother too soon. I act up, I pee on the floor, I growl at the neighbors, but at the end of the day I just want to curl up with Amber and get the love I really desire.
Yesterday I went on a hike with Amber and Katia. Both of them were laughing as they hiked, and had to stop from time to time just to laugh at the absurdity they are experiencing in their dating lives. They chatted like two schoolgirls and shared tales of men, their silly text messages, and what dating life is really like. Friendships are special that way. A real friend can hold your hand when you cry, laugh with you and remind you of who you really are. I cherish those hikes up Fryman canyon, and feel blessed to be up there on the mountain, chasing critters while Amber screams, watching Sasha dog carry her own leash, and feeling a little bit closer to God and heaven on a hill up high. It's a nice time to forget the smog, the cars, the noise, the texts, the facebook, the chase of the dream. In Los Angeles alot of us are away from home, and it's our friendships that keep us glued together.
Amber went with Aubrey to sing some karoake last night. She didn't have the nerve to sing herself, but soon she is going to belt it out no matter how she sounds. Friends are magical, and make the life experience better. Wuff Wuff.