Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Lonely thoughts
I have noticed recently that one of the things that hurts people's feelings is rejection. Any kind of rejection stings, even when it's from somebody you didn't even particularly like, somehow even that rejection can be upsetting. And these days there are just so many more ways to be rejected - by text, email, facebook, twitter, voice message and complete silence. I feel sad for Amber that her family is strong-arming her with silence and rejection. She tried to help a family member, and it back-fired on her. She had to take a real look at why she wanted to help in the first place. At first she was sure it was out of love, but looking more carefully it was seeking the love from the family member that she helped. Love and approval, and connection. They are all needs of humans, and dogs. I want approval when a bone is thrown, and I run and get it. i want approval for even the little things like peeing outside, or not biting the F*** out of the new dog Breaker. I know that even he wants acceptance and love. Amber has made a bad-habit of over-working, and then she misses everyone, and they are off living different lives. I know I need acceptance, just like a fish needs water, or like a cat needs a fish. It's just life. Amber tells herself when she is alone that everyone is off having a good time without her, probably talking about how much they don't even like her. These stories can upset her, even though they aren't even true. She has a lot of wonderful friends and they love her, and she loves them. Lonely days happen, to all breeds, well maybe not to every single breed, but dogs and humans, for sure! I have to remind her that there are times when we are too busy too.
One time we had a phone call from one of our good friends asking us to look for a modeling book left behind here months ago. She called and called, and finally Amber snapped and said "I don't have time for this!" and once her friend came by to look for the book (and found it!) Amber felt bad that she had acted the way she did.
Today we went to the vet for checkups. Because Breaker came from the vet he was a fixer upper from the start. Breaker has a eye-ulcer we had dyed to confirm, and I have arthritis, just like Amber. So, we are having more check-ups in five days, and until then it is our mission to go out and make friends, call up old friends, and remember that people and dogs matter. Life gets busy, but don't be the one that could help someone become un-lonely, and don't get too busy to realize that our thoughts are just that-- thoughts, and often we tell ourselves things that aren't true.
Charlie the dog blog wuff
So, we