Charlie the dog blog
This has been a full week. Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, but my paws were tired. It was the last shoot for Amber on Wreckreation Nation, and we flew to New London to shoot the East Coast Ski Joring event. Although I was fine with my fur and my sweater, Amber froze herself solid wearing just a fluffy winter coat. She borrowed a coat from someone who had mercy on her shivers while she was there. The airline flight was long, and we curled up like we were young, sprawling across the airline seat, tucking our heads beneath our blanket. Amber wondered if she was too old to curl up like that, but the body took over and she was fast asleep as we crossed the United States, way up high in the sky. Once there, we tumbled out of the plane with our film crew of men. Amber wrapped herself quickly with a pink scarf, as if to remind the guys she was a girl, and to not ask her to pump gas, or carry their luggage. It's easy on the field to forget the sexes, as we all have to work together for the purpose of production.
The drive from Boston to New London was a few hours, and we had two passenger vans full of film equipment, hungry men, and the snow around us was sensational. Along the way we stopped at a little restuarant that served the best Chinese food Amber has ever had. It was a random find, out in the middle of somewhere, with nothing around for miles. Once at the Lamplighter motel, we unloaded the equipment into our rooms, and each crewmember went to their own private space. I ran around the room, wagging my tail, but Amber fell in the bed-and stared at the doily covered windows and her wooden paneled television wondering how she ended up there--producing a television show, in the middle of somewhere. It's fascinating how this all came about--googling events, planning them, filmming them, and watching them--tuesday nights, on Discovery channel. Before even closing our eyes the alarm was off and we were scrambling to bundle up and go film the first day of ski-joring. It was exciting being around horses, watching them prance through the snow like they do in one of her favorite films "The Man from Snowy River." It was true beauty, and seeing things like Chickens wandering around in the snow cocking their heads with curiousity, reminded Amber of the whole world outside of Hollywood. THe real people, doing real things, living a regular life. She was jealous for a moment, but only a moment. She couldn't imagine life without her Hollywood, but real people fascinate her. The event was good, and filmming went well. I would love to tell the rest of the story, but Discovery channel has to have it's secrets or no one will watch to see what happens next.
Once alone in our room again, Amber turned on her IPOD and danced. Dancing reminds her of God, and when she dances, she feels prayer. Life is such a journey, and we all do our own things for whatever reasons we may have. The horses in the snow reminded us of GOd, of Life, of our journey towards great things. Life is full of cliffs we must jump over, but at the end of the stumbles we earn wings through experience.