Monday, September 29, 2008
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. That is the biggest lie. Today Amber is trying to build back her self esteem after a gal who used to be a pal "fired" her as a friend. Although there is alot of love in the world to give and recieve, friendships and people sometimes fall short of what we expect. That's why it's better to not have expectations. Words can hurt, insults hurt, and being told you aren't worth it, hurts. It's hard sometimes to focus on the good things in life, and the true friendships around when your esteem is bruised. Esteemable acts recreate our self worth, but sometimes the trudge back up the ladder is a hard climb. Amber works daily on a spiritual reprieve to keep sanity throughout the journey. Words hurt. And they hurt bad. I will never let anyone feel like they are less than.....ever.