Do fairy tales make it difficult to live a simple life? Sometimes I wonder about this. With all the fairy tales of a prince charming storming in on a fiery steed to save the day, it makes simple things feel a bit more..simple. Romance is on Ambers mind alot but she rarely acts on it. Most of her romance is saved for the pages of her writings, and each day I wonder when the time is that God will bring someone new in her life. Someone last night said something brilliant, and that was that if you want the mate you desire become the mate you want yourself. This really rings true and this year has been one for the texts. With many of our friends in worse situations, it really is a time to feel blessed with who we are and what we are, rather than to worry so much about what will come. True love lasts a lifetime and we have had it, and it is still with us.

This morning was still, and there was no one in the house. It felt lovely for us, and we hesitated to do anything to get the day started because it was so nice and zen right where we were. I am still working on my book, and insecurities about it have been lingering in my doggie mind. That just wont do, and Amber is helping me to overcome them so that I can push through, and get it done well. The lessons we have learned ourselves should be shared, and we hope to share the ideas we have with the world. There are always treats and rewards for good things, if they are done with the right intentions.
Special prayers go out today for Heather, Charlotte, Toni, and Jade. May these beautiful girls feel the light of a beautiful world within them. We hope all their fairy tails come true.
Wuff Wuff