This is the last week of work for Amber on WRECKREATION NATION with Dave Mordal. What a great journey it has been for us. So much has been learned, so much...there are not enough words for it even. There are alot of projects that Amber and I are working on during the break from Television, but it will be bittersweet saying goodbye. The office is not full of bubbly co-workers as the last days wind down. Amber has one more shoot in New London, and then it's going to be so quiet that the crickets will sing. We are living the best life we have ever imagined, and Rob Fox made it all happen by believing in us even though the credentials were not there. After booking many shoots, and showing up to do the hard work, he feels his decision to bring us on board was right on spot.
Nothing in the world can bring on perserverance. Talent will not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persisience and determination alone are onmipotent- Calvin Coolidge
Allie had something to be proud of. Her mommy did something good. Amber has had so many adventures on this job. She did things she never even knew were out there. Soapbox racing, alligator wrestling, chess-boxing, and even saw a castle in the middle of the Colorado mountains built by one man alone.
Having faith that if the work was done, we would get our chance paid off. We hope that a second season of the show is picked up, but we are in complete gratitude that we had this opportunity. It was brilliant.