This family is insane.
Amber landed in Utah today after putting on her retro 70’s gear and loading herself onto the plane. She wasn’t quite sure she would fit. After all- she got a head start on the holiday weight gain, and has already put on 10 lbs according to the doctor’s checkup this week. She was welcomed by her sister Aimee, her niece Jessica, and Seth, Jade, and Emerald.
It was a happy reunion, and we went out to a fun little restaurant named IGGY’S, where Amber’s other sister Nancy met up with them. Ken, the chap who married into the zoo, came just in time to catch up to all the tears, and arguing, and misunderstandings, that only a family could get away with. The argument was over Nancy’s dog being welcome to Thanksgiving dinner. Rockee’s side is the side I have to agree with as a dog myself, about the eating at the table part. As a very untrained dog myself, I would suggest only eating table scraps and begging, but I do talk, and write a blog. So I am not normal, why would I want anyone else to be when it comes to dogs? For Jessica, it was no laughing matter. Amber and Aimee laughed so hard that Aimee said she peed her pants a little. This was only after Nancy told Jessica in an argument that she could not and would not come without Rockee the dog, and that the dog loves her more than the family. It was also after Jessica she could come over as long as she didn’t act crazy about her dog, and Nancy said, “Then that’s not going to work!” We laughed at her because it sounded like she had to be crazy, or nothing at all would work. She started crying and walking away, and Amber walked with her trying to console her, even though she was trying hard to not laugh out loud at her fabulously wonderful characters she has in her family tree.
Amber can see as clear as a doggie treat---that the yelling, and screaming, and yearning for love and attention became a family habit very early on, and that this was not something she wanted by herself. Her sisters are very similar to Amber in all the wrong, and right, ways. It was all wonderful for Amber, even laughing that everyone is so sensitive, and that we all cry at the drop of an argument.
It becomes easier and easier to have an understanding for people through time. Acceptance is the key for Amber and she accepts her wonderful family through all of their beauty, their faults, and their untamed spirits. Having been adopted into this family is crazier than it would have been if she had stayed with her biological mother while she robbed banks. Amber is hoping that her mom comes to visit her while Amber is so close. The group she lives in is very strict and they don’t leave the setting of Polygamy often.
The most exciting part of the day was when Amber got to Jessica’s house and saw a marquee that says: Amber Dawn Lee’s New Reality Now Playing! The coolest part of it all was that it was on a BALLYHOO THEATRE marquee. This almost made Amber cry because the Ballyhoo Theatre is one that Ambers parents owned for awhile when Amber was young. She has a lot of memories of watching movies, eating popcorn with cayenne and lemon, sweeping up under seats, eating candy for lunch, and loading the film with her dad. This was a good part of Ambers childhood, and seeing her name on a marquee that only she and family would understand was a priceless moment.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It will be amazing, but if you hear this doggie yelping, and you haven’t heard from me in a couple of days—come looking for us. Until then may all of you readers and friends have a Happy day of Gratitude.