This morning there are no words that can cover the feelings in our home. Yesterday the police came over to let Annmarie know that her x-boyfriend who had been stalking her, had committed suicide. Amber rushed home from work, and realized this was not a joke when she came face to face with the detectives. Just yesterday Amber had finished her declaration for court asking for safety from this man hurting her. After all the suicide threats it was still hard to believe that he actually did it. He framed a photograph of Annmarie and her father, and wrote a sick suicide note partially blaming Amber for his downfall (stating she has a black heart and is EVIL) and jumped off the top of a building.
Even in the end, he laid the blame of his failures on others. Amber is still sad that he didn’t accept the help offered, but felt a relief for her own safety and the safety of Annmarie. Last week Amber wrote an email to Bill offering him numbers for therapy, and solution programs. Bill had all the answers he would accept. My compassion goes to his family, but mostly to Annmarie. His demise will forever impact the heart of an innocent x-girlfriend, who just wanted to move on with her life. He would never let her go and would rather kill himself and become a victim of “her love.” This was not love. This was obsession and sickness in it’s finest. So today instead of memorizing a script for her job, or just taking it easy at home—Annmarie is devastated beyond words. How could a human being who claimed love—hurt someone so strongly as this? Sociopathic obsession is Ambers only answer. She does not want to turn this man into a saint by his self-seeking actions, and narcissistic motives. God bless those he left behind.
The missionaries came over last night and gave Amber, Annmarie, and Brian blessings. Each blessing came straight from heaven and the tears would not stop. Remembering our purpose, and faithful prayer for a spiritual light filled our home. Brian was a wonderful friend, and stepped up to support us. We are eternally grateful for him, and even though he has taken off his “protection cape” he wore while protecting us from Bill, we will never forget him for his help and for staying near even when things weren’t going his way. He may not have to wear his cape, but he is still a hero in Amber’s book, and I will always growl with happiness when I see him.
BIll has taught Amber a lesson without even knowing it. To follow instinct, to protect and love your friends, and to offer help to others, but not to endanger yourself as a result.
Wuff Wuff
Charlie girl
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger
because of thoughts of suicide
Please call 911 now
If you are not in the U.S., please call your local emergency number.
There is help for you. Stay on the phone with the operator and wait for help to arrive. Do not hesitate to call. Your life is extremely valuable, and people care about you. Please reach out for help. Never act on your thoughts of suicide. Never.
If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines:
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Suicide Prevention Lines
You may call these suicide prevention numbers from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day. People are waiting to help you. Call a suicide prevention number right now if you need to. And always remember that it is never okay to act on your thoughts of suicide. Never. Again, call a suicide prevention number now if you need to.
Never act on your thoughts of suicide.
Extensive suicide prevention hotline numbers, categorized by country or state, can be found on the Suicide Prevention Hotlines pages of this web site. Go to the Suicide Prevention Hotlines index page now if you need to.
Suicide is never the answer.
Getting help is the answer.