Today was the best day of my entire life, and I would not have changed a thing for Amber. Her happiness was at the highest peak it has been in years. It was a magical and emotional high unlike any other for her. My ears are perked back with excitement over the therapeutic healing the day has given. While in Utah the girls, Amber, Aimee, and Jessie packed their cameras, and high expectations and headed to their hometown of Logan, Utah. This is the childhood place where everything went from normal to chaotic in a matter of a few years, but the general part of their childhood lay in the middle of the mountains, in a quant little town of Logan. They made plans to visit the childhood home where they lived, and knock on the door and see if it would be okay to come inside and visit the house, and maybe look around. Driving into Utah Amber instinctively knew which way to turn, and which way to go, to take her directly home. Much like me, she had her doggie instincts on high. A true home can always be found when you open up your heart, and let the wind of change carry you.
They arrived at the home at 394 West Center Street. They pulled in and right away they couldn't believe their eyes. IT WAS FOR SALE! THey thought about going and looking in the windows and they found an unlocked door. Suddenly the girls were running around inside and skipping from room to room, just as they did when they were children. It was so amazing, and so surreal all at the same time. SO much was the same, and so much was different. IT was home. It was home. It was home. And home was for sale for over 300 thousand dollars. Still, it was home. They went up and down the stairs, from the attic to the basement, one memory in one spot, another in another. It was so great and suddenly all the years of being out in the world, making decisions both good, but often bad had disappeared and they were home. Sweet, sweet home.
They all cried with happiness because this was the place where they loved each other, made dreams, put on shows, had Christmas, spankings, laughter, hide and seek, and most of all they HAD EACH OTHER. Things got rough once that house was taken, but while they were there, it was as normal as could possibly be.
Amber remembered the day that the house was sold, and she marked her name in the closet door. Her initial was still there. Right where she had left it. Amber's feelings and emotions and thoughts, and love, and everything from within came to the surface. It was still there, it was still home.
They also went to the old theatre Amber's parents used to own. They found another unlocked door (a secret one in the back that led to the coal room) and again, broke in and went through memory lane of working there, and late nights. It was bliss.
Tonight they are running numbers, and finding a way to buy their home back. Amber is thinking of moving there, to live in the home of her dreams. Jessica has the down-payment and the credit, and Aimee would live there too. It's all just thoughts, and ideas at this point, but one thing is certain. There is no place like home.
Wuff Wuff
Charlie the dog blog