Charlie the dog blog
Jealousy can be a tricky thing. Amber has a friend who spends all her time with royalty, celebrities, and wealthy businessmen and women. These things never bring happiness, and Amber knows that many people with these things, and they can’t buy happiness, and that it’s always an inside job. Still a small green jealousy man sneaks in sometimes to taunt Amber and make her believe the grass is greener, and richer over there. Stuart Little said, “I think I have an empty space” when he was searching for his family in order to fill that void.
Last night Amber filled her empty space with an assortment of different flavors of yoghurt from her favorite place: Minchees. She piled nuts, candy, fudge, pumpkin, and peanut butter crumbs on the treat, and ate it like it was the last meal on earth. Brian was guilty of indulging her, and he had his own. After a weekend workday it was a nice finish to a long day of planning and organizing with a pile of yummy.
Amber is starting her own film network group, and a lot of work has to be done in order to get it off the ground. It’s called www.moviejunkiesproductions.com. She feels it would help filmmakers get their projects off the desktop and onto the screen if everyone worked together. It felt good to come up with ideas, and figure out what obstacles could get in her way. There are a lot of decisions to be made, and Amber has reached out to Richard Lawson to collaborate. They are meeting to talk early this week. Some thoughts are:
1. Decide on a fee, and amount of hours for each member monthly
2. I made applications to apply what each persons mission statement is.
3. Decide on monthly meeting time and location
4. Have website built where contributions can also be made online.
5. Open call for applicants (all can join if positive attitude)
6. Agree on club secretary for notes, and other positions including treasurer.
7.Each member adds what he or she can offer and pay monthly due (approx 18.00 maybe?)
Examples but not limited to:
Creative support
Set design
Makeup hair artist
Location avail
Music/ band rights
Craft service
On set photography
Stock footage
Anyone with any ideas to contribute would be greatly acknowledged and appreciated. Amber’s friend and cinematographer “Blue” (D.T) is discussing the sale of/ or use of a camera. It’s all working progress, but by making our own dreams come true, and contributing to others—we can fill that empty space we all know about. Sometimes it takes a village to build our own castle in the sky.
Charlie the dog blog