Charlie the Dog Blog
Put an artist on a desert island full of great wonder, and take away all possibility of creating, and that artist will go insane. How do you paint without a brush, how do you film without a camera, how do you write, without the resources? It is a true test of will, that makes it possible to create out of the impossible. It’s the game of life, and people pulling together resources, and art, that makes history. Scientology creator L. Ron Hubbard said “ART is a word which summarizes THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION.” There have been so many events in Ambers life that she would like to turn into art in one way or another. This year she flew to New York to film Good Morning America and talk about some of her childhood experiences. She is working now on production of a film about those experiences. A lot of people are living just to cut down other beings, and destroy their art. Amber doesn’t allow those people in her world, and disconnects completely from them in hopes of a beautiful big picture. So now she is focused on her projects, her endevours, her journey of art. May all those who want to create, have the ability and resources to do so. If you don’t, ask for the help. It’s there, but you have to make it happen for yourself first. In other words, give a dog a bone, and make the best out of the bone you are given.
Charlie the dog blog
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