Charlie the dog blog
It’s a beautiful day in Hollywood. The sun is shining, the movie-stars are strutting, and the traffic is at an all time high. My tail is wagging, because Brian took us outside this morning to play with the neighbor dogs. Amber has had a fun time this week re-connecting with her old high school clan. Amber told me that “When we are in high school we think that our entire life is defined by who we are there. In a lot of ways we are defined in High-school, but not in the way we believe. We are finally coming into our own as young adults, and we think we have everything figured out. The hard knocks we get in those significant years help shape us into who we are.” I’m so glad I’m a dog, and the training and school, and hard knocks are mostly spared.

Yesterday was Damon’s birthday. Amber and Damon were high school sweethearts on some days, and pulled each other’s hair out on others. Amber started dating him when all she had was a bike, and they lived a few blocks away. They fought a lot, but they did have a long standing love for each other, and went through a lot together over the years. They went to prom together, and then 10 years later they went to their high school reunion together (his). They traveled to Denver to walk on fire together, and rode his Harley to biker conventions to get away and just feel the wind. They had an accident, where a truck hit them in an intersection, and Amber feels that Damon saved her life that day because he covered her as the truck hit. Amber broke her jaw, and knocked her head pretty good. Damon had a real love for motorcycles, BBQ, Hawaii Oceanside, and friends. He will always be missed, and Amber wears an engagement ring he gave her years ago for a wedding they were both too immature to have. Both Amber and Damon had different relationships with others, but your first real love will always matter. Audrey, his beautiful sister read a poem in a floral filled funeral for Damon that will always mean a lot. She is a true light, and Amber feels blessed to know her.
The surest thing there is is we are riders,
And though none too successful at it, guiders,
Through everything presented, land and tide
And now the very air, of what we ride.
What is this talked-of mystery of birth
But being mounted bareback on the earth?
We can just see the infant up astride,
His small fist buried in the bushy hide.
There is our wildest mount--a headless horse.
But though it runs unbridled off its course,
And all our blandishments would seem defied,
We have ideas yet that we haven't tried.
The pictures of Damon and his friends making mini trucks to cruise Broadway are always funny to laugh at. Amber also has had a chance through facebook to catch up with other friends she used to hang out with in school…and it’s amazing and fun to see where they are today. Rainey, Vanessa, Chris, Sandy..and the group of Damon’s crazy friends. Life is full of memories both good and bad. It’s a wonderful world when you look at the big picture and realize that life is just as it’s supposed to be. We live, we learn, we play..and we build memories that last forever. For this pup, I am glad Amber has had the wonderful experiences she’s had.
Charlie the dog blog
Wuff Wuff