This morning the chilly air filled our warm home and I knew it was time for a beautiful change. Instead of burying my ears under a pillow, I jumped up and felt excited for a new day. Last night Amber did a bit of self care, and got her nails done at the spa, and came home for a nice bubble bath and some reading. She sometimes forgets to care for herself for no good reason, and lately her nails have been chipping, and her mind has been racing. Spending some time alone with me gave her alot of perspective on self. She needs to care for self first before inviting in new friends, then she can care for them and they will have her full attention. So new painted nails, some shopping, and hot bubbles, were the perfect solution to a full day of work and worry. She is also starting a journal course with a new coach, and is looking forward to what comes of it. It's a funny thing, because as soon as she stopped worrying about not receiving a text back, or what so and so thinks, she got some real clarity. Soon after, her phone wouldn't stop buzzing with texts from all the people she wanted to hear from, but ironically, it didn't matter anymore.What she already had, a home full of pets, a warm bed, wonderful true friends, and alot of faith, was more than enough. Alot of prayer and hope ended the evening, and she is excited about new opportunities.