The last few days have been hit with a bit of self inflicted bad luck for Amber. She ran into a curb, flat sober, and got a flat tire. It was on a weekend, so it took a couple of days to get it handled. The flu she has had didn't help the matter much. She was up and about today and is feeling better, and is turning the luck card around. She vows to have more zen when driving and will hopefully not do that again. It was a battle of Christmas nerves left unleashed that caused the quick swerve, and once the tire blew, my human knew that there was no one to blame but herself.
The most beautiful girl in the world, Miss Allie Ruhlman is coming to town tomorrow. We will have many fun stories to tell, and I'm on my best doggie behavior, because I want her to cuddle with me non-stop. I even washed between the ears, and brainwashing is the hardest when we get used to certain bad habits, like barking up tree's, and peeing in the wrong spot. I want to jump up on her the second she steps in the door, and I for one...am wagging with excitement.
Amber is going to settle down for a nice warm movie tonight at the theatre. Some popcorn and an old friend fix us up when we are feeling as flat as a tire. So much to look forward to this year, and one flat wont get us down.