Amber woke up in Chocolate today, and even though dogs aren't supposed to have chocolate, I begged her for some anyway. Of course she said no. Such a human decision on that one. I see nothing wrong with just one bite. She and Katia B. stayed up really late watching movies, catching up, and eating chocolates. It was quite messy for them but oh so yummy they said. It's so nice having girlfriends that you have known for awhile. The ones that have stuck by your side through breakups, struggles, laughter, and tears. They are the best healing power a dog, or girl could have. Friends remind us of the bigger picture, and remind us of who we are, and the TRUTH about a situation our own mind has made different. My truth was turned into something else lately, and I knew my truth, and I acted as though I had forgotten my own worth, because some people had not seen the truth for what it is. Their truth is not my own, and friends who know you best, and closest, will remind you of your beauty, and significance through their memories of life together.
This morning Amber went up to meet Katey on Mullholand, and the drive through the mountain is so beautiful. Amber thinks it is one of her favorite places in Los Angeles, because it seems so full of life up the hill. Katey is so wonderful to talk to, and Amber is happy she is in her life.

She is having a break from her SONS OF ANARCHY show, and both her and Kurt are happy for the break. It was like old times seeing them again, and having had a long time away from them Amber suddenly forgot why she had stayed away so long. Everyone hugged, and talked, and shared, and by the end of the morning, everyone was ready to live a full spiritual day. So Amber put her own spiritual postulate out there: To remember she is a child of God, and to treat herself as such. It makes perfect sense. My own whiskers twitched like a kittens when she said it out loud. A child of God. That's right. That's it. That's good. That's God.
The Farmers market was full today, and we shopped for healthy food, and even treated ourselves to fresh cut flowers for the table. It was a bustle of different smells, colors, music, people, and all sorts of jewelry, pots, clothes, and things you don't really need, but buy anyway. So once home again, the hot coffee was brewing, and Amber is getting ready for a wonderful day with another wonderful person she can't wait to see. I will share all the secrets of their day soon.
Until then: stay in truth. Others opinions of who you are don't matter, as long as you know your own truth, God's truth, your own standards, ethics, and life path. Your truth is between you and God, and sometimes it takes spending time with the friends who recognize that, in order to remember it yourself.