Some things in life become magic moments. Yesterday was one of those times. While in the middle of a business call, Clare came into Ambers office and said “Come quick, this is more important!” In this business nothing is more important than researching your characters for television, but Amber hung up the phone and rushed to see what was so important. At that moment everyone in the office broke out in song with a cake, and candles “Happy birthday to you…” Amber almost cried she was so happy, and it was such a nice surprise. Her real birthday was one week earlier, in the middle of Thanksgiving. After huffing and puffing to blow out the candles, Amber hugged her co-workers, ate the yummy cheescake and went back to work. A magical moment happened right in the middle of the day, deep in a production office in Burbank, totally unexpected.

Life is about the spirit you can create, give, share, and enjoy. The friends Amber shares in the office are authentic and loving souls. Amber hopes they know just how special it was for her. I only wish she had brought home the rest of the cake! We are souls first, and personalities second. Today I feel like a very “worthy” pup and I know I was not put on earth by accident.
I have so many reasons to be here and accepting what is in my heart and realizing it’s not an “It” that I’m really looking for gives me my authentically empowered life. There are never any guarantees but there are magic moments everywhere when we look past the grey, and focus on the bright lights. In yesterday’s case, the bright lights came in the form of candles. Today the bright lights are with you readers.