This morning we were up early, and ready to hit the beach, but the rain was pouring and the sand is so wet we could build castles that would quickly wash away. When Amber was in Mexico years ago, she was driving her jeep through the rain when lightening struck right in front of her. She was wearing a metal bangled bracelet that burned a hole right in her skin. She has always been weary of lightening and rain since then.
Sometimes I feel that she has experienced it all, and there is always something she has done, that ends up as extreme. Maybe she was a cat in her past life, and has a few lives left in her. Not sure. But one thing is certain, and that's her journey. She is trudging through the heartaches, the happiness, the dancing, singing, loving, hating, and every emotion that one human could endure. She has learned that happiness is something to work at, and it takes action. And rain, or no rain, she is up, and loving her opportunities.
Another thing the rain reminds her of is a song her mom used to sing to her often, using hand gestures and funny expressions:
Itsy bitsy spider Crawled up the water spout Down came the rain And washed the spider out Out came the sun And dried up all the rain And itsy bitsy spider Crawled up the spout again.

It's a great lesson for living.