Amy loved pretty boys and here is a song one wrote for her. All of her life she has loved the image of a guy with a microphone. She was a rock and roll girl. I took her pink shoes home today--the pair that matched Ambers. They had the same, because neither one would walk away from a great pair of heels. Amy, here is a song from French...
Date: Oct 7, 2008 12:50 AM
Subject: a song for a girl (RIP Amy)
Body: It was 2 weeks ago or less
That I heard from her last
Got word that Amy
Took her own life
I can't say I'm not surprised
Never saw it in her eyes
A distaste for the World
So bad that she'd wanna die
All throughout this country
There are people in poverty
And corn fields that stretch
To the horizon
Still, beautiful girls
In their diamonds and pearls,
Are at the end
Of their own tight rope
There's a giant cross
On the side of the highway
An exit or two away
from where we stayed
And give it a week,
I'll be back on the beach
Reminded of just how
This fragile, dying day.
glad I got to meet you darlin,
I know you were there
Glad I got to look into your eyes
I knew you were alive.
There's peace in rest.