Life can be frustrating sometimes. Today Amber felt frustrated and discontent with certain uncertainty's. When the gate is opened in the morning and we roam free in the backyard, it is easy sometimes to believe the grass is greener on the other side. We sniff along the fence looking for something better, and before we know it we have to return home.
Jealousy sucks. Period.
This is especially true when the grass is in fact GREENER over there. It is written in every self help book on Amber's shelves that jealousy doesn't serve us. It's not what you get, but what you can give away, and so on. So what if we are overachieving dreamers who want to truly make our dreams come true, and we are spending all of our time with people who will never help create the dream life we want? Are we wasting time--abusing the last few years of youth, or is Amber being admirable for dating the plumber (*) without expecting anything in return? And what if the plumber lives with his mother and hasn't fixed a pot in a long time, or maybe even ever? Do we continue to wait, and hope--even when the opportunities for her are becoming slimmer and slimmer? I want Amber to have a good mate to build a life with. I've spent years with her dating row after row of Mr.Right-NOW men. Loving, wonderful people-- but different approaches to the needs Amber want's to create with them.
So today Amber's discontent is overshadowing her, even though she knows better. God's grace allows these unanswered questions, but when we turn it over and pray for God's guidance- we can have magnificent standards, while still loving others.
* There is no real plumber in Amber's immediate circle
Wuff Wuff
Charlie Girl