Thursday, October 9, 2008


Nurture your mind with great thoughts, because you will never be any better than what you think. When this doggie gets going, and let my mind take control-the outcome is usually seriously negative. It's funny what can happen when you let your mind take over in a negative way. Fears of the unknown, fears of the known. If you know GOD, and reflect daily on what he has in store for you life's heartaches can be simpler than we make them. Amber is still swirling about Amy. It has reminded us of John Martinez, Ambers x, who died. It reminded us of Damon Clifford and a motorcycle that crashed before his time. It reminded us of a funeral of flowers. It brought up emotions of a brother that died in Ambers arms, and of the single orchid she placed over his tattoo'ed body before the sheet covered the remains. All of these thoughts are sad ones, and bring up memories of love and laughter and good times and bad. It takes a real solid lifeline to God to feel okay and serene about the things we can't control. Living a purpose driven life is everyones ultimate goal, or is it? Sometimes we can get caught up in the past and live on the memories of the bad--and we can get stuck there. When I was a puppy there was a terrible accident where Amber was trying to help someone and he threw me up against a wall. It was tragic, but I have not used it as an excuse for negative living. I am here, and I am alive, and I am grateful. How easy it would be to have justifiable anger for years and years to come over a bad thing. We can't control others actions--but only our own. And controlling our thinking can only be done when we strive to live Gods plan for us, rather than self seeking without looking out for the better good of all mankind. We can't all save the world, but we can do the little things. I strive to do something kind for someone every day--and being kind to myself is also what I feel God intends. The answers are not in my head, but they are there. Nothing in the world can take the place of God. Talent will not, nothing is more unsuccessful as people who feel it's only their way-and flexibility is not an option. My friends who are gone will be missed. Some day I too will be gone. Amber will be gone, and all of you readers will be gone. But today we can celebrate that we are here. Nurture your life--nurture those you love, and give back. Now...sharing my bone isn't always easy, but it's something I have to do to live a life beyond my wildest dreams. Rest in Peace.