Today Amber got a letter from someone very special to her, Heather. It was a nice surprise-and it reminded Amber of a lot of interesting memories they had together in Texas. Listening to “push a little daisy and ya make it come up” song, and traveling, and firewalking, getting matching tattooes on their feet and back, and a lot of really unforgettable times. Amber loves Heather and can’t wait to see her again. When someone knows your true self, and loves you anyway, that is priceless.

Amber has that with Greg
Amber has that with Heather
Amber had that with Damon
Amber has that with Nancy, Lisa, Celeste, Aimee, Lee, Jessica, Matthew
Amber has that with Brian
Amber has that with me.
When you have people in your life for long periods of time it’s a great measuring stick of where you are and where you were. Is life growing towards Gods light, or are we in the dark? Family and long-term friends remind us of what our real journey is-and when we spill our guts on the “latest” it let’s us hear out loud what we are really doing.
Amber went to see a speaker on Alcoholic recovery last night. It was wonderful to hear- and the stories of the speaker and his own journey made Amber laugh. It was refreshing to hear of what can happen if we let the abuses of our past get the best of us. She came home and whispered funny stories in my ear. Of course the stories were only told during commercial breaks in-between her SONS OF ANARCHY show where she watches her friend and mentor Katey Sagal play a character she was born to do. It really is nice watching the people we love do what they love. If we celebrate the successes of others, we will be much happier pups.
Now the rain spurt is taking a break, I will think about what it is like to be a fish in water all the time. Our two goldfish Thelma and Louise live the same lives we do, but quite different too. Our journeys are all different, and celebrating the differences and recognizing what we all have in common at the same time is what a celebratory life is all about. Let the rain come and go as intended, and let me enjoy every moment of it.